I still eat candy
89,00 €
In the hilarious saga of I still eat candy.
Paola's family had this crazy idea to get her a little wedding dress. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE!
That dress could easily have won a "Torture Your Kid with Fashion" award. With its princess and puffy vibes and arms that could double as hot air balloons. Most girls that age would've loved that dress but Paola's particular taste in clothing made her reject it with full drama queen mode activated, bursting into tears. And it didn’t stop there, Julia thought it would be a great idea to give that dreadful dress another go, and Paola actually went for it, danced in it, posed in it, but at some point, remembered that she hated it in the first place, so…crying-mode back ON. Poor child thought she was gonna get married already, but she still ate candy and her teeth weren’t even pretty!
uo: A puffy princess dress wasn't going to be it for her own wedding. She hated it.
This item is 10% upcycled
Materials: enamel, polyemer clay, acrylic.
The same composition with different color combinations, can vary from each other.